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The landscape of medical cannabis in Canada has evolved significantly over the past two decades, transitioning from a controversial and largely misunderstood treatment to a widely accepted medical option for patients. Since the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations were introduced in 2001, and with the more recent Cannabis Act legalization in 2018, Canada has become a global leader in cannabis legalization, both for medical and recreational use. As a result, medical cannabis has become an important therapeutic option for many patients seeking relief from a variety of conditions, including chronic pain, mental health disorders, and cancer-related symptoms.

Despite its growing acceptance, patient perspectives on medical cannabis are diverse, shaped by factors such as personal experience, physician support, the quality of the cannabis products available, and broader societal perceptions. Patient testimonies play a crucial role in understanding how medical cannabis fits into the Canadian healthcare system. They offer valuable insights into the practical, emotional, and social aspects of cannabis use as a medicine.


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兩方面的證據都把壓力造成的某些影響,歸咎於我們微生物夥伴的變化。首先,猴子實驗顯示母親的壓力會改變腸道菌叢。威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)的神經生物學家克里斯.科恩(Chris Coe)讓懷孕的恆河猴暴露在斷斷續續的驚人噪音中,週一到週五每天十分鐘,持續六週。這種環境對母猴造成的壓力,就跟大城市的懷孕婦女受到交通、噪音,或產前幾天仍持續工作的壓力差不多。令人驚訝的是,緊張的母猴生下的新生兒,其腸道好菌──乳桿菌和雙歧桿菌(bifidobacteria,又稱比菲德氏菌)──遠比母猴能安靜度日的新生兒要少上許多。


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The legalization of cannabis in Canada on October 17, 2018, was a groundbreaking policy change, not only in terms of drug regulation but also as a response to longstanding social justice issues. For decades, cannabis prohibition disproportionately affected minority communities, particularly Indigenous peoples and people of color. These groups faced higher rates of arrest, conviction, and incarceration for cannabis-related offenses, despite similar or lower rates of use compared to other groups. In the context of this historical injustice, cannabis legalization presents an opportunity to rectify past wrongs, address systemic inequalities, and promote greater social justice.

While the primary aim of cannabis legalization in Canada was to create a regulated, safer market and reduce the influence of the black market, it also provided a platform to address the harms caused by cannabis prohibition. This article explores how cannabis legalization is being used to address historical social injustices, focusing on the disproportionate impact of cannabis laws on minority communities, the expungement of criminal records, reinvestment into affected communities, and equity in the cannabis industry.


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Since Canada became the second country in the world to legalize cannabis for recreational use in 2018, one of the most pressing concerns has been the potential effects of legalization on youth. Critics of cannabis reform have long worried that legalization could lead to increased accessibility, normalization, and consumption among young people. Adolescence is a critical period of brain development, and there are concerns that cannabis use during this time could negatively affect cognitive development, academic performance, and mental health. 

In this article, we will examine how cannabis legalization has impacted youth in Canada, focusing on the prevalence of youth usage since legalization, the effectiveness of educational campaigns and prevention strategies, the enforcement of age restrictions, and the broader consequences of cannabis use on adolescent development. Finally, we will explore the ongoing challenges Canada faces in minimizing the risks to young people while balancing the benefits of legalization for the broader population.


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